Saturday, June 20, 2009

I'll have the lobster...

The other day we had a birthday on the team, so we surprised Steven with a lobster dinner at a local restaurant. It was 650 rupies...which is about $6 in the US. We also had a local bakery bake a cake (which had the worst frosting I have ever tasted) but it was a great night to all be together, celebrate someone's life and all that God is doing in and through us!!!

Yesterday we held the first annual Aloha Surf Classic here in Arugam Bay for only local surfers. We worked in conjunction with the Arugam Bay Surf Association (a group of local guys here in town) and the contest was awesome!!! Almost the entire town came out to watch and support the 35 guys that competed. Having the town there, (especially the women and children outside of their homes) was incredible! We rarely see women out of their homes, so to have groups of families, women and children there was great!

One thing that made me smile was the moms bringing their sons water and fruit and stuff like that...reminds me of my mom doing that for me and all my volleyball girls. The nurturing side of the women was a different side to see from them since most of them seem less attached to their children and live in a state of fear most of their lives.

Surfing the Nations was invited back to do more surf competitions which was the point of our whole get our foot in the door (even though we have a residence property and a few missionaries working and living here), we wanted to be invited back, and to get the locals excited that we are here in town. We brought surf boards, trophies, leashes, stomp pads, hats, board shorts, wax and tons of other goodies for the winners and participants so it was a total blessing to these kids who usually share surf boards between the bunch of them!

The other day, our team all went on a 4 hour winding road trip to Kandy (the 2nd largest city here in Sri Lanka). It was a whole different world from Arugam Bay. The roads were smooth, there was a beautiful lake right in the middle of town, the houses were actually made from material instead of cement or mud or leaves, and there was tons of shopping! The streets were full of traffic, people, buildings, and theives.

A few of us girls got followed due to us having backpacks so the guys stepped up and protected us which was great. After walking around the busy streets for a while and chowing down some amazing indian food (rice and dhall), we headed off to one of the huge buddhists temples. Inside there were idols of all sizes, that people bring offerings to. Everything in my spirit cringed and was not at peace as we walked around this place...the courtyards were full of small temples that houses different idols and walking into them, I immediately wanted to worship the one true God, Jesus Christ, who comes to bring life (because He has conquered death through the cross) and who came to save the lost (not bring fear and ritual to them) beacuse He loves them unconditionally (not just because they bring offerings...but loves them as they are).

The fear in this land is so evident. The people walk everyday in fear of man and what the religious mausk leaders will do to them (even though they have "freedom" of religion). Pray against that spirit of fear here and pray for the seeds we plant as a result of this trip that they would produce abundant harvest for the kingdom of God!!!!

I have about a week left here in Arugam Bay, then we head off to Ella (which is supposed to be one of the most beautiful places here in Sri Lanka) to wind down and debrief before flying across the world again! I love and miss all of you guys tons!!

1 comment:

  1. amen! wish we can meet. will be in abay 2nd of july. dilsiri (
